Bury Private Hire Driver Fined £1,782 for Illegal Tyres Found in Liverpool Inspection

A private hire vehicle (PHV) driver from Bury has been fined £1,782 after illegal tires were found during an inspection in Liverpool.

The incident underscores the importance of ensuring vehicle safety and compliance, especially for those working in the private hire industry.

Bury Private Hire Driver Fined £1,782 for Illegal Tyres Found in Liverpool Inspection

Licensing officers stopped the vehicle last year while it was operating in Liverpool. During a routine inspection, two of its tires were found to be illegal.

Tires must meet strict regulations for tread depth and condition to ensure road safety. Failure to comply with these standards can create serious risks for passengers, other road users, and drivers.

The case was taken to Liverpool Magistrates’ Court, where it was heard last week. The driver was fined £1,782, ordered to pay costs, and received three penalty points on their driving license.

A spokesperson from Liverpool City Council Licensing said: “A PHV from Bury was inspected by Licensing Officers while operating in Liverpool last year, and two illegal tires were discovered. The driver was fined £1,782 and given 3 penalty points. Please ensure your tires are checked!”

Source: Taxi Point