Uber Driver Shortchanged After Motorway Diversion

Uber Driver Shortchanged After Motorway Diversion

In a recent incident, an Uber driver was left feeling shortchanged after being forced to divert from a motorway journey due to an accident. The original trip, from Liverpool to Manchester, was priced at £82. However, the diversion added six miles to the journey, increasing the fare to £90 – an additional £8.

The driver, who knew the passenger personally, was initially paid £103 for the trip. However, with the diversion, the fare increased to £153, suggesting Uber added a significant £50 for the extra six miles. Despite this, the driver only received the original £8 increase.

The passenger later complained to Uber and was refunded the £50 difference. This incident highlights the potential disparity between the amount Uber charges passengers and the compensation received by drivers, particularly when unexpected detours occur.